
  Silenced by Cash   Photo illustrating how freedom of speech is abused by the use of cash (Picture by: Ruth Kimeli. Camera used: Sony HDR-CX190   Kenya is controlled by the constitution and those in power. While in primary and high school we are always taught that freedom of speech is a fundamental right of a Kenyan citizen. This has been displayed in political rallies and many public functions. One interesting thing is that those enjoying it are the people who belong to the high social ladder. Ever since Kenya attained independence several activists have been assassinated for speaking their minds and justice is evaded to date young Kenyans are still brainwashed by education to speak up and motivate them that they will be heard reality is those in power control what should be said. During this campaign season, young Kenyans are offered 50 Kshs and 100 Kshs which I would term as equivalent to selling their votes. Gone are the days when leaders would campaign honestly an